Trade Finance for National or Internaltional Trade.

Finance for Global Trade Success.

Mitigate risks associated with international trade. Enables your business to seize new opportunities, fulfill large orders, and negotiate better terms with overseas suppliers and customers, ultimately enhancing competitiveness and profitability in the global market.

What is it?.

Trade Finance is a funding solution for purchasing finished goods for resale, whether sourced locally or internationally. When connected to a working capital facility like an invoice finance facility, it offers a comprehensive solution to bridge cashflow gaps for up to 180 days. Facilities can be set up in either AUD or USD.

how it works.

1. Once you order goods, you submit a payment application to the Lender based on the invoice or quote.

2. Once the goods are shipped, the Lender pays the supplier in the invoiced currency before you receive the goods. The lender provides a short-term loan (Trade Bill) to cover this payment, with terms set to match your expected sale date (up to 120 days).

3. On the due date, the Trade Bill is repaid through the Invoice Finance facility. Additionally, some lenders can issue Letters of Credit at step 1 and manage foreign exchange risk with a Forward Exchange Contract if needed.

Product Benefits.

Business Asset Security

Facilities are secured by your business assets, protecting your family home.

Full Funding

Up to 100% of the cost of purchased goods can be funded, maximizing your funding capacity.

Cashflow Support

Ideal for businesses needing longer terms from suppliers to bridge cashflow gaps for both overseas and domestic purchases..

Forward Exchange Contracts

Some lenders will provide Forward Exchange Contracts (FECs) at no cost and without the usual bank security requirements.

Ease of Use

Simple administration with minimal paperwork for easy operation of the Trade Finance facility.

Tailored Solutions

Flexible options to meet your unique business needs, ensuring a customized fit.