Build Climate Change Resilience.

Green Finance.

Explore a finance solution aimed at reducing emissions, enhancing climate change resilience, and safeguarding natural resources. This solution enables investments in equipment and business practices designed to boost operational efficiency, thereby lowering costs while promoting environmental stewardship.


  • A green home loan promotes environmentally friendly practices by encouraging homebuyers to purchase, build, or renovate homes in eco-conscious ways. Typically, these loans offer an interest rate discount contingent upon the home meeting specific eco-friendly certifications.

    Moreover, some lenders offer green home loans with up to a 95% Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR), which is advantageous for those with limited deposits. Additionally, banks may offer higher loan amounts compared to conventional home loans.

    Given that the average Australian household emits approximately 18 tonnes of greenhouse gases annually, the government offers rebates and incentives to homeowners who enhance energy efficiency.

  • Yes, there are. A green business loan is a type of financing specifically designed to support businesses in implementing environmentally sustainable practices or projects. These loans are typically offered by financial institutions and are aimed at businesses that want to invest in initiatives that reduce their environmental impact or improve their sustainability credentials.

    Key features of a green business loan may include:

    1. Interest Rate Incentives: Lower interest rates or discounts for businesses that undertake environmentally beneficial projects or initiatives.

    2. Use of Funds: Funding can be used for a variety of purposes such as installing renewable energy systems (like solar panels), upgrading to energy-efficient equipment or technologies, implementing waste reduction and recycling programs, and improving water efficiency.

    3. Environmental Certification Requirements**: Some lenders may require businesses to achieve or maintain specific environmental certifications or standards to qualify for the loan or to receive preferential terms.

    4. Longer Loan Terms: Extended repayment periods to align with the longer-term benefits and returns of green investments.

    5. Financial Incentives and Rebates: Businesses undertaking eligible green projects can access government incentives, grants, or rebates.

    Green business loans not only help businesses reduce their environmental footprint but also often result in long-term cost savings through reduced energy consumption, operational efficiencies, and improved brand reputation in the increasingly environmentally conscious marketplace.

  • To qualify for a green home loan, specific criteria must be met, varying among lenders but typically including one or more of the following requirements: the home must be owner-occupied; it should achieve a 7-star rating or higher from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS); possess a residential efficiency scorecard with a rating of 7 stars or higher; hold Passive House Certification; or achieve a Green Star, Design & As-Built score of 8 points or more on the '15 Greenhouse Gas Emissions' credit. Meeting these criteria demonstrates the home's commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, aligning with the goals of green financing initiatives.

Product Benefits.

Cost Savings

Green home loans typically come with discounted interest rates, resulting in significant long-term savings on mortgage payments and utility bills.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

By opting for a green home, you can lower your household's carbon footprint by up to 62%, contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

Energy Efficiency

Enjoy savings of up to 66% on electricity usage with an energy-efficient home, benefiting both your finances and the environment.

Comfort and Natural Elements:

Green homes are designed to maximize natural resources like sunlight and ventilation, ensuring year-round comfort regardless of weather conditions.

Health Benefits:

Reduced exposure to toxic materials in green homes promotes better indoor air quality, lowering the risk of respiratory illnesses and enhancing overall well-being.

Increased Property Value

Investing in a green home can potentially increase your property's market value. With growing consumer preference for energy-efficient homes, your investment may yield higher returns when it's time to sell, appealing to environmentally conscious buyers.