Buy Business Equipment.

Leveraging Business Equipment as Collateral.

Acquiring Asset Finance guarantees that your business won't encounter cash flow obstacles when investing in new equipment, whether it's machinery or vehicles. With a range of solutions on offer, including secured loans covering the full value of assets, there are flexible and practical options tailored to suit businesses of any scale..

Put your Assets to use ASAP.

With funds available in as little as 48 hours from application. We offer customised solutions for various equipment needs, whether you're looking for new, pre-owned, or imported items. Plus, explore financing options, which can fund up to 100% of the purchase costs of an asset, providing you with the flexibility you need to grow your business.

Rev Up Your Fleet.

Discover the benefits of Business Fleet Asset Finance Products for your company. Our financing solutions offer improved cash flow by spreading the cost of acquiring vehicles over time, allowing you to access modern vehicles without a large upfront investment. With flexible repayment options tailored to your cash flow cycles, tax benefits, and simplified fleet management, you can enjoy predictable costs and scalability while maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Partner with us to optimize your fleet management and drive business growth.

Product Benefits.

Flexible Access to Funds

Asset finance offers flexible repayment terms tailored to the business's cash flow, allowing for easier budgeting and reducing financial strain.

Access to Modern Equipment:

Enable your businesses to access the latest equipment and technology, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness..

Tax Benefits

Certain asset finance arrangements may offer tax benefits, such as depreciation allowances or interest deductions, helping businesses save money on taxes..

Asset Management

Simplify asset management by consolidating financing into a single solution, making it easier to track expenses, manage assets, and plan for upgrades or replacements.


Asset finance allows businesses to scale their operations more easily. They can acquire the equipment they need to grow without draining capital reserves, enabling expansion and seizing new opportunities.

Flexible Repayment Terms

Offers flexible repayment terms based on cash flow cycles and business performance.